Instagram Design Method

Instagram Layout

Instagram Design & How it works

Instagram is designed to allow you to upload photos in a grid form. 3 across and infinite amount downwards. Knowing this we decided to use it to our advantage. Instagram allows you to post multiple photos in a connected frame to create a big picture to your viewing pleasure. By doing this we were able to create an aesthetically appealing experience for the content viewer.

Our options

We had many options to come up with depending on our design. Originally we wanted it to be a black background with white text but after trial and error we discovered the black to be very discomforting and negative for our positive outlook on the project. We decided to use the instagram's white HEX code as the spacers between each person/character showcased. This allowed us to work with more white space and use it to our advantage so that someone viewing our instagram is given the choice and pleasure of scrolling along our page.


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