Week 1 By Conor Brennan
Week 1 The first week was really exciting for the group. We met together and talked about what we would possibly be interested in doing for the final piece. It helped us gain insight into each other's interests and skills. It didn't take long for us to realize what we wanted to do to. We all liked photography and videography so a documentary or short film was on the table from the get-go. Image by Simen Alfer We found it easy to establish our team, because of an exercise we carried out as a year group. Everyone went around the class and talked to each other about their skill sets and what they would be interested in doing for the group project. It didn't take long before our group got chatting to one another. It was great to learn about other peoples skills and interests because we got to learn a lot about each other. This exercise helped form our group because we learned we had similar interests but different skills sets. The four of us agreed we'd work well ...